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Tools • Applications • Processing

Advancing capability & utility of Remote Sensing data through access & innovation



Please fill out the form below to register and be kept informed of TAP Lab’s Demonstration Day. Once Demonstration Day comes closer, members of the TAP Lab team will get in touch via email and let you know about the details on how to officially register, date of the event, and other details.



Find out about TAP Lab and its mission to advance the capability and utility of Remote Sensing data through innovation by providing an open and inclusive environment.

Access to Data

The TAP lab offers 24x7 live data feeds from a variety of military and civil satellite assets for third-party application developers. See some of our top products we create, or develop your own.

Access to Contracts

The Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) calls will be posted annually.  Learn about the latest opportunities here.

Our events

The TAP Lab hosts various events including Demonstration and Industry Days as well as Tours that give you the opportunity to see what it is all about.